Thursday, 9 April 2015

Ho Ho, No Ho

Hi all,

This morning was spent walking around the city, in the heat taking in some of HCMC's famous landmarks. It was also spent looking for a Telecom stop to buy some local Sim cards, this was a much harder challenge. In nearly every asian commuty/shopping area I have ever been to, phone shops are every third shop, they are usually everywhere. Well not in HCMC, they are as scarce as hens teeth. I found some dodgy street vendors, but they seemed too dodgy to trust, so as yet, I am unsuccessful.

However, there are some pics.

Sweeties inside the Ban Thanh Market, established in 1914 and known to the French as Les Halles Centrales

The round about outside the Market

Statue of Tran Hung Dao, defeater of the Mongols.

The site of the Brodard Cafe, as featured in Graeme Green's novel "The Quiet American", no longer the Brodard cafe, although looks like still a cafe upstairs.

The Municipal Theatre, also home of the National Assembly of South Vietnam in the 50s and 60s.

This is where the statue of Ho Chi Minh is meant to be located but Uncle Ho was a no show, its now a case of finding where Uncle Ho is hiding, sort of like "where's wally". 

The People's Committee Building and former Hotel De Ville (city hall)

This afternoon, I went to the rooftop pool and had a few beers whilst doing the Age crossword, I also got a Pedicure (I skipped the nail painting) and had a foot massage, it felt really good when he stopped. All up cost about $35 including beers. Can't complain too much.

Twistin' by the Pool



  1. the pool looks good...

  2. Where are the ice cream reviews? 7 day in and you should have had at least a dozen by now. Are you feeling unwell?
