We wandered down to the end of our street, overlooking the sea and facing the north towards some mountains. We then went to a Volcano show at a cinema, showing two short films about recent Icelandic eruptions, one in 1973 in the Westmanay Islands and the other was about Eyajafeyerjakol (do not spell check). After that it was a wander through town then lunch, stopping at woollen shop after shop, in search of a woollen hat.
Tonight we are booked for a Northern Light tour, hopefully the skys will be clearer later (out of town) and we will get to see them and hopefully, even photograph them.
Todays Pics
At the end of our street
Looking back toward Reykjavik (most of these front buildings were not here in 2006)
A Sarah Lund moment
A ship in drydock
Central Reykjavik
Main shoppingStreet
These guys almost look real.
Typical Reykjavik street
Big Church on the Hill. It took between 1945 and 1986to build it. It was designed in 1937.
Monster Trucks ( I saw another, a very shiny red Toyota as well but no time to get a pic)
A novel Stone fence
Sculpture by the Shore (Sun Voyager)
Beers at end of the day.
It gets light here about 7am and dark about 7pm.
Fantastic! Hope you got to see the northern lights and get warm jumpers!