Saturday, 11 October 2014

Wacky Icelanders

Today was also a quiet day before heading to Canada tomorrow (Saturday 11th) via a stop at the Blue Lagoon in the morning on the way to the Airport. We dis some more washing today (very important) and I took a wander over to the BECO Camera store (very good  but located in the burbs of Reyljavak.) I got a new filter and cleaning fluid. Everything else was too expensive.

Anyway here a few pics of some of the more novel things we have seen around town and some extra countryside pics from yesterday.

The Icelandic Concert Hall, built of glass blocks that resemble basalt crystal.

Not sure who this guy is but he came into the Bakery/Cafe dressed like this with some of his mates. I think he was getting married and this is some wacky Icelandic rite of passage thing.

Poster advertising Imagine Peace Tower, to be official turned on tonight.

Ads on a bar to entice customers.

Sign in a shop window

Typical Iceland countryside. For those interested, there is lots of golf played here but the rough, is really rough.

Some rare green bits in iceland

Hills to the north of Reykjavik.

Beers from last night

Reykjavik's idea of a speed bump to slow traffic down.

I have updated a few of the Northern Light pics from Wednesday to remove the greenness caused by digital cameras and more realistically reflect the darkness of the  actual sky without a long exposure.

These are not perfect but they are truer to real life. They are still impressive things to  see.

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