Thursday, 7 May 2015


Today I explored further afield (and on a different bike). I went South East of Sapa following a road that passed by many of the Local villages, lots of terraced rice paddies and things for sale by kids trying to look cute or sad.

The Hmong women gather in the mornings outside the hotels to take trekkers on walks to their villages.

The Drinks lady who sells cold drinks outside the hotel (all day)

My new bike, its a Yamaha and it is automatic (note the new sunnies)

Lots of terraced rice fields (and corn)

stuff for sale

Whilst on this road the Shorts lady turned up on a motorbike, (she missed the appointed time this morning). I collected and paid for the shorts but when i got home and tried them on, next to useless. One pair has the pockets put in backwards. (at least they were cheap)

Could not resist this last one, I saw it going down the street this morning but wasn't quick enough to get a snap, until I saw it parked later. Amazing.

Tomorrow is last day in Sapa, which is OK as I am sort of over it. Off to Laos on Saturday. Hopefully internet better there, although I doubt it.

1 comment:

  1. the short one8 May 2015 at 08:24

    wow, the blue & white vases are amazing, I guess he knew his boy scout knots was riding carefully ?
