My Trusty Steed
Why is it that whenever I go somewhere to visit a place of interest or whatever, after considerable effort to get there, the thing of interest always climbing or descending a million steps or traipsing on foot a further 1/2 km either uphill or downhill, usually both. In this case it was pay your entry fee and walk another 20 mins uphill. I had come all this way so I paid and begrudgingly stomped my way up the road. The above pic shows the entrance gate, nothing to be seen here.
Along the way, I paused several times to admire the local flora, the above being just one example.
Three monks walk down the road....
Proof I made it to the falls
They were nice waterfalls, water very cloudy from the limestone.
Swimmers enjoying the waters a little downstream, note the guy mid air jumping in. I was very tempted to jump in with travel clothes on, but others seem to all have swimmers so I thought better not.
Another example of the flora on the journey back down.
Local Fauna
Above 2, Laos Jumgle
Back in town, Mushrooms being sold
Flower arrangers
love the colour of the water !