Saturday, 7 June 2014

Beijing - Saturday and the Temple of Heaven

Another bright and early start to the day. Today, after yesterday's rain, the skys are clear and blue, with a few wispy clouds and no pollution to be seen. I headed down to the Temple of Heaven, thinking early would mean less people. Wrong. The park was full of all sorts of colourful people, in choirs, dancing, both traditional and modern, playing cards or Mahjong, knitting or just sitting around having a chat. Overall, a very relaxed place (and so the Temple of heaven ought to have been). The additional pic of the Peugeot and the architectural details are for Joy. The skyline of part of Beijing can be seen in one pic and I included a typical wide Beijing St, good for driving tanks down.

I also went to the Pearl Market and did some shopping, getting some replacement thongs for the ones that broke in Kathmandu, a little portable bluetooth speaker for the iPad/Iphone and and another bag, the Nepal special is nice as long as you only have one thing.

Enjoy the Pics and Vid, maybe  time for Siesta this afternoon.



1 comment:

  1. thanks for the photos Dougie.
    how many strings does that uke have ?
