The Bling on the top they all seem to like.
Next stop was the Metenkov's House Photography Museum. It had the usual old cameras and photos, plus an exhibition by a noted Russian photographer called "Lovigin". A lot of Photoshopping, but OK.
Next stop was the Ekaterinburg History Museum, bits and pieces really about Ekaterinburg, some war photos and items, a neat big book that as you opened it and turned pages, an overhead projector morphed new images onto the pages. Someone called Tikhotskaya's library (homework for some).
Next stop was past the Ural University, see below.
Then past the Opera and Ballet Theatre, which was recently restored.
After passing this building I went to the Ural Mineralology Museum (no Photos) but saw all kinds of gem and semi precious stones, chrysalis and other stuff. All info in Russian so hard to make sense of.
Another Interesting building, no idea what it is.
A view across the river (the Iset)
Yet another Church.
My next stop (no photos from me) was the Yekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts, it had a few Cubist paintings and mostly ordinary Russian paintings from Soviet times, but what was very good was the main space was full of contemporary Russian photography. It was call the "Best of Russian Photography" and as far as I could communicate with the Gallery staff, there is NO book out yet, otherwise I would have bought it on the spot. It was excellent. Covered all aspects of life, social, nature, architecture, fashion, etc.
Edinburgh had painted cows, Munich had painted Lions, Yekaterinburg has painted Bears.
Another colourful building, a pub
I then went shopping at a big supermarket, Russian Supermarkets are something else, they had everything and it looked fresh and very well presented. The following pics taken on the way home through the park and across the river.
Yet another (small) Church, in the Park
Late afternoon and people are getting their feet wet on a hot day at the fountain in the park.
More like Pope Tony but long knives deserved anyway. I'm scared to go to facebook pages of some of the girls that come up when you google your homework assignment. Russia loos wonderful. Still no luck sweet-taking Julie into it as a destination, particularly in the northern winter. Travel well LB.
ReplyDelete.... should have read looks wonderful, but I'm sure Russian loos are too! Maybe a pictorial expose of the loos visited by LB? Could be interesting as well.
ReplyDeletelove the photos, almost feel like Iam there.
ReplyDeletePhotos and narrative terrific - but don't think shorts will be cheap in the UK - can report that the exchange rate has turned against in the UK so best get Joy to get Joyu to bring some over!