Thursday, 10 July 2014

BMW HQ and Joy both OK and in Munich

Today is the day that Joy arrives, so the Plan was that I would go to Carola's work at BMW HQ Munich and together we would go to the airport and collect Joy.  I got to BMW HQ OK, see Pic (what a grand building) and together in Carola's Mini Clubman, we sped to the airport, (German cars are like German trains, they go fast)

BMW HQ, Munich

Joy's plane was late by an hour, so Carola had to leave the airport and head back to work. I waited and collected her OK, but a little fatigued about 3pm local time. We were soon on our way back to Carola and Jurgies (mien hosts) apartment in one of the better parts of Munich, (Elizabeth Strasse, Schwabing). After some Coffee and Scotch, all was sort ok, although I suspect the shower and change of clothes also helped.  We the headed off to dinner at a local French restaurant, called "La Refuge" and had a excellent meal and wine,  All es Gut in Munich tonight.


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