Many of you will (or may) have read on the net about Sth American (or in this case specifically) the Buenos Aires Bird Poo Scam. It happened to me and my travelling companion yesterday in Buenos Aires so I thought I would set out exactly what (to the best of my understanding) happened and where while it is still fresh.
The location was at the east end (or bottom end) of Cordoba Ave in Buenos Aires as it crosses into the Dock area between Ave Eduardo Madero and Av Antartida Argentina on the left side of the road and approaching toward the Buquebus Ferry terminal.
<iframe src="!1m0!3m2!1sen!2scl!4v1457946475630!6m8!1m7!1sR3bMHn1DmFqsZwMyMsSCdA!2m2!1d34.5983285!2d58.3689828!3f17.46!4f0!5f0.7820865974627469" width="600" height="450" frameborder="0" style="border:0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Google Street View above (if link working) Note that it had some additional high fencing along here yesterday.
Ok that is where, when was around 2.30 -2.45 in the afternoon.
Bird Poo Scam
Sometime whilst walking along this small section of road, both my travelling companion and I were squirted with a greenish smelly liquid, supposedly "bird poo". We are both not sure where this come from but are convinced it came from above, like a bird poo, by the way it was on our clothes. Possibly it was someone in the trees above. Neither of us seemed to feel it when it occurred although my travelling companion thought he felt something on his neck. I was walking in front and did not feel or notice anything.
The first I was aware of any issue was when I heard a woman (about 50's) and looking fair and german talking to my companion in mixed spanish/english about him being covered in bird poo. I turned around to see her approaching him with a clutch of tissues in hand, pretending to be wiping him down, I did see her fiddling around with his backpack top but did not see her open it or take anything out. I was watching intently as I had read about these scams and was suspicious. Other people seemed to appear from nowhere and soon all seemed to be getting in a taxi. I was keen to get away from these people as well. I only had a shoulder bag and did not feel I had been touched.
We moved on, thinking it was over and we went straight to the Bano's (toilets) at the Ferry terminal to inspect the extent of bird poo coverage and wash what we could from our clothes. I now suspect that this was a mistake and it was at the toilets where the real theft actually occurred. My travelling companion had his Electronic Notepad stolen from his backpack. I was having real trouble understanding how the woman (who was short) could get the notebook out of his backpack (he is very tall) without me noticing as I was watching her closely. I am now leaning more to the view that the pickpockets were actually waiting for us in the Ferry toilets (as that is where 99% of potential victims will immediately go) and stole from the backpack as it was put down whilst we washed. I think this makes sense as the first part of the scam is merely distraction and slight of hand, no crime is actually committed so the scammers are never caught out at this part. The real theft may be occurring when you are not expecting it and are less on guard.
However it was done, they were very good.
Safe Travels, you have been advised.
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