Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Let the Fun begin

Today, we were asked to go along with Compass expeditions to the Bolivian Embassy, as there was some issue with needing passport photos for something. I already had extra photos so no worries, but I have to be there in person.

Well as it turns out, the bike I have been allocated is registered in a name that is not Compass, therefore I cannot be riding bike they have no legal ownership of. The embassy official told me in plain english, "this is a problem, Sir". The passport photos requirements never got fixed either.

So now I have to wait and see if Compass can sort this mess out before I arrive in Bolivia on around Saturday, Fridays is a public holiday as well. It is easter this weekend,

This took most of the morning so after this, Howard (an english guy also here) and I went to the big tall shopping centre  for a  coffee. Building is tallest in Latin America at 62 floors.  I think Rialto may be higher.

After views, it was a few beers in late afternoon and now rest time before dinner.

See Pics

pics dehazed.

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