Wednesday 3 June 2015

Colonel Kurtz meets Three Little Pigs on their way to the market.

Today has been a fun day, it all really started last night when I met Doug South (an ex Telstra guy I know that lives here) and his partner. Actually a bit before that as I had a few mins to kill, i had one of those live fish pedicures, where you put your feet in a fish tank and all these little fish nibble away at any dead skin. Fish are happy, your feet are clean. Win Win all round. I only did it for 10 mins but it tickles and can be a bit funny, but it doesn't hurt.

We had a great dinner at a place called the Red Piano and today, Avvey (Doug's Khmer partner) organised for us to have lunch at a place a fair way out of town, which is  built over water and you lie around in hammocks. Water a bit low at the moment as it is the end of the dry season. The food was delicious, I had chicken, frog, prawns, fried rice and egg. I did not care for the fish dishes much, but they looked ok if you like fish.

Before going out there to lunch, both other Doug and I went for a haircut and at the last moment I decided to go the full monty and get a zero all round, so any hair and the beard all went. I think it has been at least thirty years since I last shaved the beard off, enjoy the photo for posterity, it probably be another 30 years until I do it again.

When I saw the results I could only think of Colonel Kurtz, the Marlon Brando character in Apocalypse Now. Especially with the shades, ahh the Horror, the Horror.

This leads me to the blog title, in the tuk tuk on the way back from lunch, I finally managed to see three pigs (alive) strapped on the back of a motorbike. One would assume on their way to market or just come from the market. Their little legs were dangling and kicking as the motorbike went over all the bumps, I bet they were having a great time.

After lunch, and a bit of a snooze in the hammocks, we went to a shooting range were you could fire AK47 and the like. I sort of regret not taking the opportunity to do this when i was at the Cu Chi tunnels near Saigon, especially since the price in Vietnam was $10 and here it was $60 ($US). Any way we did not know the price until we arrived 10 mins before closing time and it was a 20 min trip to get there so we said what the hell and paid the money.

We got to fire two rifles, an NKS (??) (pictured) and an AK 47. I am convinced we were only firing blanks anyway and it was an indoor range which was very hot and noisy, only the shooter got ear protection, everyone else just ad to put their fingers in their ears. I have done it now, would not spend the money again.

All the little fishes are having a feast.

At the Red Piano pub

Outside Barber shop

The Colonel Kurtz look

The old market (where I got shorts mended again)

Lunch spot with hammocks


Can Can dancing

Taken with Doug's phone as my camera battery died as soon as we got there.

And below, with noise


  1. Like the look. Buddhist monk. Go with it for a while. Get a duty free elec razor.

  2. where did santa go ?

  3. We don't know whether we like the new you or not.
    Perhaps it might grow on us - time will tell.

  4. Looks better without the beard. I had my feet in with those fish a few years ago. Probably the same water !! I heard the fish get bigger and end up on the table. Lucky you avoided the fish at lunch.
