Friday, 1 April 2016

Arrived La Paz


Today was a  long day on the road, over 500km, so not a lot to report or pics taken.

There were petrol stations  that would not sell us petrol. In Bolivia, there is a local price of 3.7 bob for petrol and a foreigners price of 8.7 bob per ltr. However, today we tried several petrol stations and there was no fuel for us. I guess with Chilean plates, the Bolivians don't like the Chileans.

There are heaps of stray dogs in this country, in fact south america is full of dogs, but I am told Bolivia and Peru are the worst. Today, in the middle of nowhere, we see a dog wandering happily about near the road. The other strange observance of Bolivia is that they never finish building their houses or buildings. Everything looks unfinished and untidy. We were told that unfinished buildings pay less taxes. It is a very untidy looking place, not house proud.

Arriving late into La Paz tonight (9pm at hotel). We got to the top part of the city called el alto "the high" at about 7.30 to a place where the bikes would be kept the next few days. El Alto and La Paz are apparently two cities, with El Alto up high, and La Paz at the bottom the cliffs beside El Alto. It took nearly an hour to get from El Alto to the Hotel in La Paz where we are staying (best so far).

Overlooking La Paz at night it was like looking into a bowl of lights. Maybe I can get a picture again on night 2.

Lastly, we have a tracker device in the truck which follows the same route as the bikes except afterward. Go to this link and you should be able to see where we have been today.

Tomorrow is a city tour for me, not doing the Death Rd ride, figure more marketing hype than substance. The road is now part of National Park and is closed to all traffic except guided motorcycle and pushbike tours, only one way traffic allowed.

Hasta La Vista

Took this in Potosi just for the novelty

town hall in Challapa or something equally obscure

Samd dump

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