Saturday, 30 April 2016

Leland - Mississippi

Well here I am in Leland, Mississippi, (google map it). I picked up the car this morning and surprise surprise, the good deal the concierge got me was not honoured and it cost me an extra  $500 as insurances were not as comprehensive as he thought he got. I got a little Ford Escape, a 2016 model. It drives nice enough. I don't have a GPS as subsequently got lost on the way, American directions are sometimes a bit hard to follow. It is all part of the fun getting lost, at least a little bit. Probably cost me about an hour in trip time. They are not big on direction signs here once off the main roads.

I am trying to follow the Americana ( or Blues) music trail or triangle (Google that as well). My first stop was Vicksburg, on the Mississippi but it seemed pretty rundown and economically depressed, the blues cafe was closed. It reminded me of the Paul Simon song line about being "in the cradle of the civil war and the Mississippi shining like a National guitar" It was shining too, photos later as this being sent from my iPad at Lillo's Italian restaurant in Leland. A bowl of spaghetti and meat balls for me.

Leland also does not seem to be in boom times either, all a bit sad but motel only cost $25, so that is a bonus, I hope. Tomorrow I will go to Greendale and Clarksdale (of Robert Johnson Crossroads fame) and then on to Memphis and after that Nashville.

Time for dinner.

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