Sunday, 31 August 2014

Heeze Mill - Sat 30th August

Saturday,  our last full day in Heeze. It was a sleep in day, with a late start. Tomorrow is the Heeze Festival, so the village is getting prepared. The crowd is expected to reach 35,000. The streets will be closed by 10.00am for the parade so we must be gone before then. This is the 58th year of the festival.

This mornings activity was a casual walk to the local windmill, which is a fully working flour mill.

Heeze Mill in action.

A goat next to the Mill

Arno's Clogs for Lawnmowing

Arno & Marianne's house

Tealights and dish

After lunch and lawn mowing, we went for a walk up the main street to see various art stalls and  activities for the festival. Noticed this Saab 96 in the street.

p.s. No one has come back with a comment/answer to the music reference clue in the Amsterdam, not the Stones/Beatles reference, but the other. I was shocked that no one picked upon it.

Late Edit :

I got the reference wrong, it should have been "it's 5 am in Amsterdam" and it is by Michelle Shocked.

Saturday, 30 August 2014

In Brugge

Today was the day to visit Brugge, a medieval town in the west of Belgium, part of the Flanders region. Brugge is a very tourist friendly town and gets lots of visitors, the speciality shops are Chocolate and Lace, although there is no shortage of Belgian waffles for sale.

Ross, do not let your bunnies read this perversive new publication

Apparently, I am pointing at the hotel room of Bill & Julie when they were here.

Joy with Loom, wrong type of loom, but must include.

Outside the Beer Museum

Truffle, wincing over Profiteroles he was not eating.

Woman doing craft thing

Mermaid above a Pub

Waffling on

Strange Ducks

Lace shop

another manhole cover

Bloody Romans, been everywhere

After leaving Brugge about 4pm, we headed for the Dutch coast, briefly visiting Neelte Jans and then onto a town called Domburg, a sort of Portsea of the Netherlands, where the well heeled old money set had holiday homes by the sea. We had some nice food and the dog had a ball racing up and down the beach. Home by 10.30pm

Arno & me

Flood protection system