Sunday, 10 August 2014

Stockholm Day 2

A relaxed Saturday in Stockholm today, weather was near perfect, 25c, a very light breeze. We took the Hop on Hop off Bus early down to the Zoo (Skansen), but did no go in as it had not opened yet, so we headed over to the Old Town island of Gamla Stan, where the Royal Palace is and some very nice shops. I reminisced walking through the streets how different it was on a cold October weekend in 1993 when I was here last. Back then, there were not many people about and it was not as commercially active. Today it was a buzz with tourists and every shop seemed to be open. We jumped back on the tourist bus and discovered where the Photography Centre of Stockholm "Photografiska" was. We stayed on the bus and went into town to get some lunch. There was some sort of Brasil promotion happening as they had Brazillian food, music, art etc being showcased in the king's gardens. (Kungstradgarden).

After lunch we made our way back to the Photografiska gallery where there were about 5 or 6 photographers being exhibited. The main show was by Sebastiao Salgado, all  black and white and nature/landscape photos. Taken in Southern tip of Sth America, South Georgia Island, Africa, Russia, USA, Canada and Indonesia/Papua. Some of the photos were excellent, it just a pity this guy will always seem like an Ansell Adams copier. It must be very hard to break that perception, as the work is very good.


Reference to Birgit (could not resist Birgit)


Amusement park across the water, there are people swinging from chains at the top of that spire.

Apparently in Sweden, Gods are not all knowing and need instructions.

Too good to pass up


Wooden chair with a Prosthetic wooden leg (for Peter Lendfers)

A new broom design 

A car for Julie

One of the many different wooden doors found around Stockholm

grand building ??

a view in Gamla Stan's narrow streets

A theatre


  1. Hej Doug, if your still in Stockholm, the Glenfiddich Warehouse
    Vasterlanggatan 68, Stockholm was one of my favourite places for coffee a drink or a meal. It's on Gamla Stan.
    Cheers…. Nick

  2. Thanks for the photo with my name - it is nice to be remembered. Enjoy your 'perfect' weather. Melbourne is preparing for another cold day, possible hail, snow down to 700m etc..

  3. Julie is impressed but unwilling to claim the car anytime soon.
