Tuesday, 12 August 2014

So long Stockholm and problems with the airwaves

Hi all,

A bit of a technical problem at the moment, my laptop wi fi capability died this morning, likely a hardware failure so no quick fixes. Luckily, Joy has her laptop as well (which I am using now) and I still have my iPad. However, not having my laptop (although it works) to access the internet anywhere is a pain as all my mailboxes are there, only the big pond one on iPad. So Blog over the next week or so may be a little light on, as might seeing all emails. I took it to a  Mac place here in Jonkoping, Sweden tonight but they could not help and suggest Tech support in Malmo. Which is fine except we may not get to Malmo very soon and may not  be able to stay a few days if required to fix.

Jonkoping is at the bottom end of lake Vattern. One of the suburbs or adjacent regions is Husqvarna, famous for sewing machines, chain saws and dirt bikes. We went to the museum (called Fabrik Museum) thinking it would be a fabric museum. No, it was the History of the Husqvarna company, which also made firearms, stoves, cooking pots, bicycles, whipper snippers, motor mowers and other stuff.

Here are some Pics

A bike for Joy

The future of sewing machines (computer)


In case I don't get to it by other means, Happy Birthday to Ralph, Jim, Sherrie and Bernie, all in the next week. 


  1. Frustrating for you to have computer problems Doug. Malcolm's only suggestion - question - is 'Have you tipped it upside down to get the sand out?' I think this is more a comment on your earlier road trip / motorcycle ride than any reference to Mac products ;-)
    Hope you manage to get a fix soon

  2. Avail via email if you need.

  3. FB sorry I mean LB always get those two confused.
    Q. Why does my T shirt keep attacking my hat?

