Late start, had a sleep in after breakfast- well deserved too if I say say myself. Caught the train a few stops of Osterport station, where Joy had identified a couple of Museums she wanted to see and I had plotted to see the little mermaid, which was also near by. This was a good thing as all the Museums were closed on a Monday.
The Little Mermaid was surrounded by bus loads of tourists, but a I managed to get a few clean shots in.
After which, we wandered back through the streets and waterfront of Copenhagen.
See, they all have Bling
Some more Manhole covers.
Unhappy with the Job Roster
Copenhagen's famous Astronomer
The roof top observatory from where he probably spent many a cold and lonely night watching and noting. (AKA The Roundhouse)
Below is some street art in one of the main squares where a new railway underground station is being built.
Berlin has it's Bears, Copenhagen has Red Horses.
Tomorrow, we move on again.
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