Thursday 3 July 2014

Budapest - Party town

This seems to be a really vibrant place, I don't know if it just that the World Cup is on, but last night, a Tuesday night, every cafe, nightclub, bar, pizza place was packed full (and there are a lot of them). I am interested to see if it is the same tonight. By all accounts people were partying on to the wee hours. One poor chap ended up sleeping on the footpath just outside our hostel, although I suspect he was doing that on a regular basis. The streets were full of empty bottles and cans and other rubbish, but was quietly all cleaned u by about 9am.

I went exploring today, I now have a change of plan and will be leaving Budapest a day early, a friend of mine (Atilla's) parents are Hungarian and are currently visiting Hungary for a summer holiday. They are staying with relatives in the west of Hungary. Part of my plans had always been to visit where they come from and see where my friends family were from. I contacted Attila (Sen) (Dad) yesterday and it turns out they are  going to a resort in Hungary this weekend, so they have invited me to join them. This means catching a train to Szombathaly (pronounced (Zom ba ty) early tomorrow morning.  So today is my last full day in Budapest.

I did really three rings today,

1. Went to train station and got my ticket  for tomorrow

2. Explored the city a bit and went to the Buda where the church and palace and museum are

3. Got some new shorts and they only cost me $40 rather than the $240 the Russians were asking.

Pics as follows

 Where I will catch train tomorrow

 Overlooking Danube and Hungarian Parliament (I think)

 A chap on a Horse

 Architectural details for those interested (Church at  Buda)

 The statues that breathe (but only slowly)

 Whats on at Art Gallery
 Another Chap on a horse (we have the Mongolians to thank for that)

 Archery for Fergus
A synagogue in town

Tonight I am off to find a nice Hungarian restaurant  that does not serve burgers, pizza and french frys as every bar around seems to. Globalisation gone bad!!!


  1. love the building with patterned tiles & cat gargoyles, beautiful city.

  2. Thought you would notice the cats

  3. sitting at kitchen table with Joy enjoying cuppa and viewing wonderful snaps

  4. More great photos Doug. You are having such an amazing experience! Glad that you finally managed to get some new shorts - well done!
    Bitterly cold and windy in Melbourne.
