Tuesday 8 July 2014

Salzburg- Austria

Arrived at Salzburg Austria and it is cold and rainy, actually a nice change.

Train trip went well, attached a few pics from  today

 Les & Clara's nice house being rented in Kermond, Hungary (car rented too) Both cheap.

 Main Square in Szombathely, a nice town, about 100K popn

 All trains should be this quick

Not quite the Sound of Music hills, bi=ut when the scenery was best, the rain came howling in.

Tomorrow morning, will explore city of Salzburg.

Tonight, it was Schnitzel and Beer and bedtime


  1. cold & rainy, nice change !!
    all of us in the cold & rainy have been longing for the sunshine...

  2. Doug, tried responding but stupid f...ing gmail lost my entire message. Will have another go when I am not so p...sed off

  3. Don't tell Arno you're in Austria, it's a no no.
