Sunday 13 July 2014

The New Car

Today I collected the new car, a Peugeot 308 through a lease It is a brand new car, it had 10km on the odometer when collected. Give it back on Aug 31 in Calais.

Safely managed to drive car back from near airport in the rain, it is a manual.

A few other pics included,

A handy kitchen feature, ideal  for  drying out cabana or sausage that is too fresh.

The New Car

The Ratskeller (which is actually a restaurant in the basement of the Town Hall, although one could easily believe that the Ratskeller is the town hall). It is located in the Marienplatz which is the central square of the old city of Munich.  Also the local take on shorts, they look tougher than mine but not as stylish (and I bet they cost more)

Tonight there is a BBQ Planned and tomorrow it is off to a Local Pizza Place with 8 others and a big screen to watch the Final of Germany V Argentina. It will be tears or excessive behaviour by bedtime. No more discussion of the electric car loan so I am guessing it is not going to happen.


  1. Nice car - almost personalised number plates. Notice that you are not heading back to Melbourne's wintry weather any time soon.
    Glad to see that Joy is now there with you to join in all the fun. Though I was surprised that your first outing together was BMW ;-)
    Enjoying the pics and the posts

  2. nice day in munich

  3. spoke too soon - now cloudy
